Sunday, August 10, 2008

Acworth Women's Sprint Triathlon

The weather was perfect today for the Acworth Women's Triathlon. The distances for the race today were 400 yard swim, 13 mile bike ride and 3.7 mile run. The run is usually a 5k but due to road construction they had to change the run course. Did they tell us about the distance change before the race? Of course not! My overall time was 1:42:05.

Even though I have been participating in triathlons since 2001 I still have slight panic at the start of the swim. Having said that, the swim went well for me today. I was in the first wave which is always a nice place to start. The only obstacles I had to deal with today were the "side strokers". I understand being new to the sport, but 400 yards is only 8 laps in a 25 yard pool. Let's learn how to swim freestyle shall we?

The bike ride was good. My average bike speed was 17.5 mph. The course for the bike is slightly hilly, but nothing I couldn't handle on my tri bike. Nothing unusual happened on the bike ride.
The run course is a bit more challenging. It is hilly. The course meanders through a neighborhood. The extra 6/10 added was on a new trail. I started the run feeling pretty good coming off of the bike. My plan for the run was to walk through the aid stations with no other walk breaks. That didn't quite work out. My foot started hurting about half way through the run. (I've had problems with my left foot for a couple of years now. It was diagnosed as Morton's Neuroma. It's been shot up with Cortisone a couple times. That doesn't help for long.) So with very brief walk breaks I managed the run with a decent time even with the added bit of distance.
I'm happy with my overall time. I always say I'm gonna kick some butt, it might be my own butt, but I'm totally kicking it!!