Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Que sera sera

It seems that the closer it gets to the day that Sarah leaves for England, my mood goes bluer and bluer. I know that this is a dream come true for Sarah. She is so excited about going and all I want to do is cry every time I think about her leaving. Add on the fact that my eldest will be giving birth in less than 4 weeks, I'm almost surprised that I haven't fallen completely apart. The other evening I was talking with my sister on the telephone and did fall apart. Scott has known that I've been feeling sad, but something that my sister said set off the tears. Today I cannot even remember what she said, but I remember my reaction. Crying. Hell, I'm crying now while I write this. These are happy things happening to and for my children. I should be happy, right? I really hope all of this will pass, soon.

Lest I sound like a whiner, in the grand scheme of things, my problems are small and I am grateful for my husband and daughters. I am thankful for my life and my problems.