Monday, July 28, 2008

It's A Weighty Issue

I made it to Lifetime with Weight Watchers in March of 2002. Over the last six years my weight has gone up and down. Not huge gains, but this time I've got right at 10 pounds that has to go.
I've been totally out of control as far as eating is concerned. Chicken fingers and fries. Frozen yogurt. Frozen yogurt? Frozen yogurt is not bad. Oh, but it is if you eat too much of it. Of course it is not just those two foods. It is portion control. It is buying a few munchkins at the Dunkin Donuts when I pick up my ground coffee. I could go on and on, but I'm just depressing myself thinking about how bad it has gotten.
So the game plan is this...back to Weight Watchers. I will go to weigh in tomorrow morning. Knowing what works and actually implementing are two different things. The thing that works best for me is journaling. Writing down everything I eat. It is what worked six years ago. It can't be that different, right? My husband does remind me that I am six years older. Of course I know it gets more difficult to lose as you age, but 45 is not old in my book. The weight does seem to like my mid section tho.
I've reached the point that I don't feel comfortable in my own skin. It is time to get back to feeling good about me.